Luxperience is the only travel trade forum of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere based in the Australasia and Pacific region that connects the world’s most exclusive travel providers dealing in luxury and experiential travel.
The three day business exchange aims to provide inspirational ideas and long term meaningful connections. Luxperience is also dedicated to providing our expert community with professional opportunities three hundred and sixty five days a year via our exclusive business network.
They’ll set up an exciting pre- scheduled appointment diary that best suits your business needs as well as a program of networking events, dinners and tour options. Inspiring business sessions are also included with presentations from innovative and thought provoking visionaries. Think of Luxperience as your personal introduction agent, business coach and social planner.
DATE: 17 – 20 September 2017
VENUE: Sydney, Australia
Date: 20th May, 2017
Venue: Sea World Resort Convention Centre, Gold Coast, Australia