This site sets out a set of quality and ethical standards that the Direct Micro Expelling method of producing virgin coconut oil achieves and Kokonut Pacific adheres to. Standards contained in this resource: Pre harvest-GAP Post Harvest handling – HACCP/GMP/GHP Storage – GHP/HACCP Cleaning of Processing Area/Equipment – SSOP/GHP/HACCP Visit page here
Republic of the Fiji Islands Presentation, 30th Oct – 1 Nov 2013, Bangkok, Thailand This is slide show presentation by the Fiji Government at the Asia Pacific conference on coconut development, discussing the following; Coconut Production in Fiji Replanting and Planting Programs Coconut Processing Industry Marketing & Product Promotion Research & Development Government Policies Coconut...
A step-by-step training video which explains how to produce virgin coconut oil, a sustainable cottage industry gaining favour in the Pacific Islands. The video can be used to inform grassroots community members whose livelihood is affected by impacts of climate change. This film was shot at the Centre for Appropriate Technology and Development’s Bio Fuel...
By Rosa Rolle, FAO, 2007 This guide is designed for use as a learning resource for small and micro entrepreneurs who bottle coconut water as well as a training resource for extension workers and trainers. It also discusses good practices for the application of ‘middle level’ of technology for the cold preservation of coconut water....
By Divina D Bawalan and Keith R Chapman, 2006. Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in 2006. It was co-authored by Divina D. Bawalan, previously a senior science research specialist with the Philippine Coconut Authority, and Keith R. Chapman, formerly an industrial crops officer at FAO’s...