Business Disaster Support

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Stay Open for BusinessThe Pacific Region is at risk of many hazards that can become disasters. If you are prepared this will help keep your business open after disaster strikes while also making sure your staff and their families are safe.

Find out how you can reduce risk, be ready, respond accordingly and recover quickly from any disaster as a business through the Disaster-Ready Business Toolkit available on this page. Watch the videos below and read the fact sheets listed under Resources.

We encourage you to share these videos and factsheets with your friends, colleagues, associates and networks as much as possible so we can all help each other to become disaster-ready. If you are a private sector organisation, chamber of commerce, business council and/or a disaster management office from the region, you can maximise and customise this toolkit to suit your country-specific needs. We have a manual which you can download that includes some basic instructions on how best to use the toolkit as well as a Facebook content plan, radio messages and text messages that you can translate and/or use immediately as part of an awareness campaign in your country.


Bislama | English | Hindi | iTaukei | Marshallese | Pijin | Samoan


Bislama | English | Hindi | iTaukei | Marshallese | Pijin | Samoan

Did you know?

Do you know that 1 in 4 businesses don’t survive after a large disaster strikes? Download this flyer – A 3-step disaster risk assessment for your business.

Download BCP Template

Download the Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Template

Download the FACTSHEETS in English

Types of Disasters    |   The cost of disaster on your business   |   Has your business planned for a Disaster?   |  Disaster-proof your business. 12 easy steps   |   Staying in touch and informed   |   Business is Critical to Disaster Recovery   |   Business Continuity Planning Template  |   3-Step Disaster Risk Assessment for your Business

Watch the VIDEOS below in English

In the Pacific, Business is Personal

Strong Local Businesses, Stronger Communities

Types of Disasters

The Cost of Disaster on your Business

Has your Business Planned for a Disaster?

Disaster-proof your Business. 12 easy steps

Staying in Touch and Informed

Business is Critical to Disaster Recovery

This toolkit would not have been possible without the combined resources and expertise of people from different organisations. It is brought to you by The Building Safety and Resilience in the Pacific Project (BSRP), implemented by the Pacific Community’s Geoscience Division (GSD), in collaboration with the Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation (PIPSO) and the Fiji Business Disaster Resilience Council (FBDRC).


Thank you to our content and funding partners: The European Union (EU), African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) and United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR).

A special thank you to the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office (WREMO) who was generous with their content assistance. the numerous business-owners and entrepreneurs from around the Pacific who participated in our toolkit testing to give valuable feedback, and to The Greenhouse Studio who created and designed the materials for this toolkit.

© Pacific Community (SPC) 2017
All rights for commercial/for profit reproduction or translation, in any form, reserved. SPC authorises the partial reproduction or translation of this material for scientific, educational or research purposes, provided that SPC and the source document are properly acknowledged. Permission to reproduce the document and/or translate in whole, in any form, whether for commercial/for profit or non-profit purposes, must be requested in writing. Original SPC artwork may not be altered or separately published without permission.


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